Thursday, May 17, 2012

AV Undercover - Great bands covering questionable songs

Recently, my cousin (Yogi, CalDavis Aggie, future brewmaster) put me on to some really cool stuff The AV Club is doing. Basically, they start with 25 songs they think would make great covers, then they invite bands in to pla y them in a small circular room. Once the song has been played, it's crossed off the list. 

Here's an overview of how it works....

Introduction to A.V. Undercover's some of my favorite from the past three years, although this current year is in progress. Enjoy!

Trampled By Turtles covers Arcade Fire

Punch Brothers cover The Cars

Probably my favorite...

They Might Be Giants covers Chumbawamba

The Clientele covers M.I.A.

Oh man, Sam Beam (Iron & Wine) almost made me cry during a George Michel song. I just wish he would have learned the lyrics.

Iron And Wine covers George Michael

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